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Is Government Taking Stronger Steps to Reduce Cyber Crimes?

In the environment of risks and uncertainty, there are more possibility of crimes and corruptions. This is due to the new inventions and modernization of technology. The effects of these changes are assisting the people of corrupt mind to instill or evolve new ways or methodology to commit the faults. They develop latest techniques and new way to apply on the victims. The modern lawbreaker are so expert and knowledgeable that they carry out the faults in such a way that they don’t leave any identity marks after committing the felony. So the investigation and verification of them becomes a tough work for the law enforcement agencies to identify the felony. But, latest trends are making use of computer technology to do unlawful acts by using the internet. This has become an effective and remote way to carry out frauds and faults. In the present scenario, these are taken up as the cyber crimes, a most popular term which is very commonly observed in almost all the latest felonies. Cyber crimes have become an impregnable way immensely followed by expert offenders.

What are the cyber crimes?

This relates to the faults committed by using internet on the computer where computers are targeted to retrieve any vital information or secret data. In this type of offences, usually lawbreaker intends to attack other computers by spreading certain kind of viruses. In the other kinds , computer are utilized as the weapon where computer is used to create the frauds like credit card , banking attacks or online purchase where such frauds are committed in big way. In addition, computers are used as the an accessory to store such information and data’s. These are used to store the illegal or stolen information of the victims.

Recent survey depicts that teens are also more involved in such acts, they find computer as the easy and intelligent way to commit illegal acts and becoming expert to do online frauds. This is due to the apprehension that they can’t be traced and identified. So, more teens are getting attracted to computer faults There are numerous hacker tools came in the market which are so popular and unique way to expert a fraudster to learn the technique to commit the crimes without much efforts. Usually teens carry out these activities to get the fun on line, but when they get little financial gains by doing these activities at the smaller scale then they get more courage to practice these activities at the large scale and it increases the involvement of teens in the cyber offences. In the modern society, cyber space has become vulnerable to commit felonies. In the latest crimes, cyber techniques are used to do the threatening emails or spam mails which is the new way to do the frauds. So in the real term, this has become a threat full and dangerous environment where cyber offences have put a question on the safety and security of the secret information and valuable data’s.

Government actions

This has become a serious issue before the government. Since the safety and security of any information have been a difficult point. The critical effects of them are breaking of computer passwords and hacking of computers to steal the secret information. Government alone is unable to have the solution to such unlawful acts, so government has invited many organizations to work on the schemes brought out by them. Government has formed committee for internet related issue (CIRP) which has brought out standard policies to look for all the internet related problems and disputes.

These acts involve the traditional crimes like thefts, frauds, mischief’s, forgery and defamations which are subject to IPC. These are regulated by the cyber laws. These laws are having the prosecution for all kind of cyber commitments which involves the illegal cyber activities like unauthorized access & hacking of computer, Virus and worm attacks, Trojan attack. Email, spoofing, spamming and bombing, defamatory emails, email frauds, IRC attacks and service attacks. Although, government is taking every possible step to curb the rise, but modern acts are out of the reach of the cyber laws, This is clear from the facts that the government steps are not strong enough to reduce the such acts, so government need to evolve a new strategy and strict policies to have the effective law enforcement of the cyber criminals.


It is conclusive that government is not having the strong laws and enforcement actions to reduce or minimize the cyber offences. The existing rules and law are not enough to remove the illegal works from the society.

How to Look Out For Business Fraud And Help Your Business?

Whether you are in your own country or in foreign land, you will often hear about corporate frauds happening every now and then. Business world today is far more complicated than before mainly because of the new technologies and government policies and practices that are involved. No wonder people turn out for ways to make easy money and search for effective business sham which they hide such sham plans with various causes. However, it is important that you have a business fraud investigator in your firm if you feel something is not happening the right way. Business isn’t an easy task to handle, an employer has to look and manage several company departments and all this never gives them enough time to scrutinise the business or corporate frauds emerging in your company.

On the other hand, there are many business owners that fear that exposing the business sham in the company can lead to bigger problems in the future as the news might get leaked in the market and get printed in the newspapers and that can ruin the reputation of the firm. However, there are many lawyers and solicitors that handle corporate fraud and business fraud cases privately and the basic structure of the investigation is all about questioning the employees and executives of the company randomly. The questions that these investigators ask are all connected to the company sham and finally their findings help them reach the main culprit involved in the company sham

The investigation also goes on secretly with the help of IT staff that can provide all the data and information that will be used to trace and find where and when the fraud has happened. This way, the culprit is identified and at the same time, the company can formulate better policies so as to plug in the business loopholes thereby helping them prevent such shams from arising in the years to come. No one is spared from the heat of investigation and every person is questioned which causes a stressful atmosphere in the company. A lot of information gathered while the investigation process is kept confidential which is the best thing about corporate fraud investigation and therefore you can be sure that your corporate trade secrets and information are safe and secured .

When you are looking for help on corporate and business fraud you will need to look out for experts that can provide you with better information and expertise. A lawyer who has several years of experience would be your best choice. Though the US corporate frauds are handled by the federal agencies, but when it comes to private companies, they are free to hire private corporate fraud lawyers to solve their case with great attention and care. Corporate and business fraud usually focuses on various issues like money laundering, tax evasion, bribery, bank fraud, commodities fraud and even financial violations. Some of the executives that are involved in corporate and business fraud are also involved in tax violations, inflating revenues and falsification of financial documents and information and misuse of corporate property and conspiracy against the corporate firm.

Cyber Stalking Facts

Cyberstalking is a recent form of criminal behavior involving persistent threats or unwanted attention using the Internet and other means of computer communications.

With more and more people going “online,” the opportunity to target someone on the Internet is becoming limitless. Cyberstalkers visit chat rooms, discussion forums or message boards in search of victims. The range of cyberstalking can range from aggressive and hostile email, chat room bullying, leaving abusing messages in guest books to sending e-viruses, tracing a victim’s computer and identity theft.

Like regular stalkers, cyberstalkers want to intimidate and control their victims. Cyberstalkers do it with the use of the Internet. The Internet can be used to trace the victim’s real name and address. For instance, it is remarkably easy to find out what party a victim is planning to attend and when by checking the information on a site such as Facebook.

The use of technology makes locating a victim easier than ever before. Anyone can type in certain key words into the computer which will bring up a myriad of internet datafurnishing companies that supply private records and information online, either free or for a nominal fee. The internet can do what private detectives of the past only dreamed of doing.

States are attempting to deal with this new form of criminal behavior. Early in 2009, the state of California enacted a set of new stalking laws. These laws make it a misdemeanor to publish information on the Internet which describes a teacher or his or her family or mentions where the teacher lives with the intent of having another person commit a crime against that teacher. The penalty is up to one year in prison and/or a $1,000 fine. This law can also be invoked to protect people other than teachers against cyber-threats. It is now considered a misdemeanor in California to place any person in fear of his or her safety by means of Internet threats and threats using cell phones, PDAs, video recorders or pagers.

Several cases of cyberstalking have been prosecuted under California’s new cyberstalking laws. In the state’s very first case, the state prosecuted a man who used the internet to impersonate his victim, a young woman who’d spurned his attentions. Pretending to be the victim, the man posted her phone number and address and stated that she had rape fantasies she wanted fulfilled. Strange men started to show up at the victim’s apartment ready to rape her and became angry when she refused. The cyberstalker was sentenced to six years in prison.

In another case, a graduate student from the University of San Diego cyberstalked five female students for a year. He sent hundreds of threatening emails. The graduate student was arrested and sentenced to six years in prison. He told police the women were ridiculing him. The victims, in fact, had never met this man.

Prior to California’s anti-cyberstalking laws, the crime was difficult to prosecute. Deidre Des Jardins, a student at UC-Santa Cruz, started getting violet emails from her ex-boyfriend. Some threats were directed at her, others dealt with violence in general. Local law enforcement agents were unable to do anything since the act of cyberstalking had not been clearly defined as a crime. The campus police, also, were unable to act, even though the threatening emails continued for several years. Deidre was told that since some of the messages dealt with violence in general and not specifically with her, it didn’t fit the definition of cyberstalking. Her ex-boyfriend was never arrested.

Cyberstalking can evolve into real-life stalking where the victim is harassed by excessive telephone calls, vandalism, trespassing and even physical assault.

Some cyberstalkers know their victims. Others have some kind of imaginary connection to the ones they stalk. It is not unusual for a celebrity cyberstalker to become violent when his fantasy is threatened. In a recent news story, a cyberstalker sent cyberthreats to a Knox County state’s attorney because the stalker believed that the state’s attorney was interfering in his relationship with model Cheryl Tiegs. The cyberstalker was obsessed with Tiegs and had been stalking her for years. She had never met him. The relationship existed in the cyberstalker’s mind only.

Cyberstalking is a real threat. Due to limited laws, the only real defense to use caution when revealing personal information on the Internet. The less, the better.

The Overtime For Exempt Employees

According to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), some employees are exempt from the payment of an enhanced rate of pay for each hour over forty (40) in a work week, also known as ‘overtime’. While employers are not required to compensate otherwise exempt employees, some employers choose to pay additional compensation to exempt employees for additional work. In order to keep the exemption, employers need to provide this compensation carefully and in compliance with applicable laws.

Pursuant to Section 541.604 of the FLSA, an employer may provide an exempt employee with additional compensation beyond the employee’s regular salary without losing the exemption or violating the salary basis requirement, if the employment arrangement also includes a guaranteed salary of at least $455 per week, without any deductions for additional compensation may be in the form of a bonus, flat sum, additional time off, or time and a half or straight time pay for all hours the employee works beyond a normal work week.

The normal work week can be defined by the employer as it determines is appropriate for the salaried employee and does not have to be in accordance with the requirements of the FLSA. Therefore, an employer can determine how many hours it wants to declare constitute a normal work week for salaried employees. For instance an employer can have a policy that it will only pay straight time to employees for all hours worked over 50 hours per week, not the 40 hours as required for non-exempt employees.

The Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR) state that the use of uncompensated overtime, “hours worked without additional compensation in excess of an average of 40 hours per week by direct charge employees who are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act, is not encouraged.

Furthermore, if you are not going to pay overtime to overtime exempt FAR Regulation 37.115-2 states that when professional or technical services are acquired on the basis of the number of hours to be provided, rather than on the task to be performed, the solicitation shall require offerors to identify uncompensated overtime hours and the uncompensated overtime rate for direct charge Fair Labor Standards Act-exempt personnel included in their proposals and subcontractor proposals. This includes uncompensated overtime hours that are in indirect cost pools for personnel whose regular hours are normally charged 37.115-2.

This section suggests that under FAR the payment of overtime for exempt employees is encouraged when the contract is based upon time and materials. The FAR regulations also require that contractors abide by federal wage and hours laws regarding the payment of overtime to non-exempt employees.

Compensating exempt employees as non-exempt by paying customary time-and-a-half pay can lead to a termination of the exemption and legal action against the employer.

An exempt employee is “exempt” or excused from the overtime pay requirements. Exempt status little to do with the actual job description or title, but rather focuses more on the duties and responsibilities of the employee. Though the definition may vary by jurisdiction, an employee is usually exempt if they have more responsibilities than the average employee, and if they perform tasks that are more managerial in nature.

Exempt employees are not required to punch a clock. The FLSA does not place limits on the amount of time that an employer is allowed to require an exempt employee to work. Again, state laws may have different requirements from the FLSA.

Therefore, such employees are exempt from being paid overtime because it is assumed that the worker is working rather independently and has more discretion in the execution of their tasks. For example, if the person is involved in hiring and firing duties, they will likely be classified as exempt.

Certain categories of workers are automatically listed as exempt, including administrative personnel, executives, highly skilled workers, and licensed professionals such as doctors and engineers. Also, even if an employee is not specifically listed as exempt, they may fit into an overtime pay exemption category based on what their daily responsibilities involve.

Follow Safety Posters For Safe Life

Everyone wants to be safe at workplace or home or roads. Awareness keeps us safe from any hazards. Safety posters can raise awareness among us. We always fall in trouble for lack of awareness. Every ear many serious workplace and road accidents occur. In most of cases our personal negligence is responsible. Many countries have inaugurated laws for putting labor safety posters and road safety poster.

Posters can attract one’s attention very quickly. We often watch for poster at different places. Most of them are for business purposes. Some posters are hanged for safety and rising awareness. Theses posters are known as safety posters. It is observed that safety posters are very effective, as it catches eye very fast. Most law enforcement authorities have introduced law for putting safety poster at workplaces, roads, construction sites etc places. Some examples of workplace posters are payday notice, access to exposure and medical records, smoking policy, family rights act notice, minimum wages of the employees, notice to employees unemployment benefits of insurance, whistle blower protection act, emergency contact number, , harassment or discrimination in employment, etc. These all things can be put in a same poster. These posters tell you to be safe, conscious to make a better workplace. It will help to reduce accidents.

Every employer is bound to follow the rules strictly. They should arrange safety equipments for each employee. If they fail to do so their organization will be close by force. The US Department of labor has made posters mandatory at workplaces. For example, in California labor law posters should be stuck at different places of building where employee can easily notice them. In California, employers screw Policies and set of laws related to work and they all are mentioned in the Calif. parturition law posters. Employers are really haunted some all the laws and obligate these laws into their businesses so that employees do their duties completely to regain the acting goals and similarly these laws eliminate the employees semiconscious of these other receive laws posters upsetting them. Experience laws are intense in every state in the group, and America is no waiver as is sufficiently displayed by the state labor law posters. Birthing law posters connected with the workplace has all the laws with publication to an activity.

No one can protect you if you are not aware. Government will do whatever is possible. But the main duty is yours. So, keep yourself and others safe.

Why Should Be One Aware of Check Scams And Scammers?

In today’s world, everyone is behind one goal, which is to make quick money. Many people do not have creative ways to make money. They are creative but in a negative sense, they do frauds and all types of swindles that one should not get involved into. People who do these types of frauds are very much aware of the rules hence they play by the law and make their own rules and system, which is unlawful. The people who suffer from these frauds often say that they did not find any type of risk with the dealings, which caused them the fraud. Thus, awareness is very important among people who want to be safe and do not want to be involved in any such scams. There are many types of swindles such as check scams.

Check scams is common nowadays due to the fact that people are not aware about the procedure, which goes on in bank and the type of check which is being issued. The only way to check is with the bank to get the correct information about the account holder and the transaction. People who do such type of swindles are scammers who know every thing about the system and ways to play with it. The important thing to note is that whenever you deal with check, always remember to check with the bank the background of the person and his/her previous transactions. This is not as easy as it looks but when you provide the bank with reasons for the same, the bank will provide you with the correct information and the type of transaction history the person holds.

One has to take care of various things while accepting checks. You should check that the amount is not above the actual cost of the merchandise that you are selling. In addition, always question the reliability of check, which has a huge amount stated on it. Now the important part comes into play, always check whether the account is in the name of the person who is providing the check, because in some cases, the check might be stolen and the signature can turn out to be fraud. Even after the clearing of check, the real owner of the account can stop the payment or after its clearing, the bank can declare the transaction as fraud.

Best Attorney Take Responses to Computer Crimes

Computer crimes been very rampant in the community and this is indeed alarming to the public especially to the businesses involving financial companies which situation their data warehouses online. Most of the victims of the computer crimes or commonly known as the cyber crimes were the financial institutions and companies. The financial information of the public, for the criminals doing cyber crimes were the essential bloodline of their task.

What does this criminals do to the financial accounts? On line financial statements and details were the main access to the assets and property of a certain individual which became the victims. Most of the individuals were using access to the Internet and computers for online transactions where being offer private material and perhaps do affordable goods and reasonable opportunities. If your private assets goes in wrong possession and you become divided or you begin getting extravagant emails or your e-mail thought gets chock-full with extra mails; indicates you have become a victim of computer crimes.

Best attorney was speaking about the legal matter involving these crimes. Protecting the identity and securing private details is very essential to cut off the motif of the individuals to commit computer crimes. If you are having trouble to the financial company where you invested you property always seek for legal attention with the best attorney right away. The expertise of the lawyers with the focus to the cyber law is essential to take a good response prior to your case and complaints.

Cyber-Theft is the use of computers and network methods to take information and sensitive personal details in e-mail. Many announcements on the Internet offer the individuals with free guidance indicating investments where they should invest. Sometimes these guidance are totally bogus and cause reduction to the individuals. Charge card cons is also very typical.

Most of the organizations and financial corporations don’t display that they have been the people of online -theft because of the fear of sacrificing customers and talk about conditions. Cyber-theft is the most typical and the most unveiled of all cyber-crimes. Cyber-theft is a frequent cyber-crime because it can easily take qualified cyber-criminal big money due to very little work. Furthermore, there is little possibility an experienced cyber-criminal will be caught by law enforcement.

Always consider the to best attorney handle this like cases. In addition protecting you own properties is essential and you must start it by protecting your own identity again ts cyber-theft.

The Online Warrants For Arrest Check-up Facility

Since we are all outstanding citizens who are proud of the upstanding way we carry ourselves in the society, whether or not to check out for warrants for arrest may seem to be a rather moot point. However, the fact is somewhat different that it usually seems in the first glance.

A warrant for arrest may be conformed for any of the countless reasons. One could be only checking out for whether there is one for the neighbor whose treatment to your children seems out of place, it could be concerned parents checking out their children’s history, or it could even be a concerned and upstanding citizen checking out to see whether their status as an upstanding citizen with no warrants for arrest still holds true.

The short story is, people often need to check for warrants for arrest, and however, checking out warrants for arrest can be troublesome. Ultimately there are three different ways how someone could check out for warrants for arrest: either to contact the concerned court of law, to check in with the nearby police station or to simply log onto the internet and check it out on any of the various websites.

Of the above three options, the former two pose some problems, the prior of which is the inconvenience one would have to go through to go visit the court or police station. The more prominent of reasons why people usually do not use the former two options however is because if there really are warrants for arrest for you, it is a moot point to go to any of the former two places. You would simply be arrested and then be unable to act in your defense.

It is due to the above reasons and many more besides why people only use the third and final option; that of checking for warrants for arrest online. The cost for checking online for warrants for arrest can easily be justified by the amount of fuel you would otherwise have to use to get to the otherwise necessary places. So save yourself the trouble and check for your warrants for arrest while still in the comfort of wherever you already are.

Rip Off Report Reports a Lot of Unfair, Unjustified Ramblings of Disgruntled Consumers

And you believe this stuff. . . .?? Why??? Taken directly from the Rip off Report website: “As is our policy, we never remove reports even when they are claimed to contain defamatory statements, and even if the original author requests it.” “. . . we will never agree to remove reports, even if someone can show that a report is probable or inaccurate. Under this policy no reports are ever removed . . .”

Please consider the source when considering purchasing a product from a company that may be listed on the Rip off Report. This website is strictly a forum for ANY and ALL upset, irrational, emotionally unstable consumers to vent their frustrations. In fact, most of the complaints on this site are regretted by their posters. In a society where you can say what you want and it’s in print and out to the world before you even have a chance to think about it, the Rip off Report and any website that allows this stuff to be published and then allows it to remain published should be ashamed of itself and should be legally held accountable for its actions. Or in many cases, it’s inactions. It’s truly a shame that a company has to spend money and resources to fight the dribble from the fingers of an irate customer that has written garbage against a decent company only because a company wouldn’t give in to their ridiculous demands at what at times could be considered extortion.

OK, maybe you are thinking that the Rip off Report is innocent and just a venue for people to vent and the author should be accountable for what they publish. I would agree with this point of view, if it weren’t for one thing: The Rip off Report hides it cowardice authors behind the First Amendment. First Amendment?? You’ve got to be kidding me. Even the founding fathers saw the possibility of extortion, blackmale, slander and libel.

Why is the Rip Off Report allowed to cover up the felons behind these accusations? I know that the Rip Off Report is not the only website out there allowing this garbage to continue. However, they are the premier offender of decency and morality on the internet. And the most blatant about throwing the lack of decency laws on the internet in the faces of decent human beings and companies. When does it all stop? Perhaps when there are no decent companies out there to buy from. Or, the companies left standing must charge an outrageous price for their product because they have to constantly defend themselves against these defamatory writings.

Don’t get me wrong: I truly believe that there should be some way to keep companies honest. Everyone should have their day in court. But what kind of wild, wild west justice is it to slam a company on the internet, whether justifiable or not. There is no way for the company to face its accuser. That’s not justice. Or maybe that’s what they call justice in some countries, but not ours. So, if you have a beef with a company, work it out.

Don’t resort to the cowardice writings of babbling idiots to try to destroy a decent company that works hard to just make a living. And if you can’t work it out, there are legal and ethical ways to solve the problems you may have with a company. Understand the problem doesn’t just lie with the slamming of companies. Countless teenagers have committed suicide over the ramblings of other jealous humans that resort to cowardice slamming on the internet.

It’s a problem that needs to be resolved and it needs to be resolved now. Wake up, American legislators. Have we really evolved into a country that devalues our ethics and morals so much as not to pass laws to protect our citizens and companies? I hope and choose not to believe we have sunk so low.

Matthew Couloute And The Save Cyberspace Campaign

In case the name does not ring any bells, it suffices to say that Matt Couloute is one of the most famous attorneys in the United States. His fame was not, as some may consider, brought by the recent scandals caused by the affair allegations of two women, but rather from the professional manner in which he has handled quite a few delicate and complex cases. Moreover, his major clients include some of the most famous football teams in the NFL and Couloute was even appointed the vice-presidency of the counseling department. However, the inspiration to found the Save Cyberspace campaign is assumed to be related to the aforementioned affair allegations.

In short, the image of Matthew Couloute was severely afflicted when two of his former girlfriends, namely Stacey Blitsch and Amanda Ryncarz posted defaming statements on a specialty website that features negative comments regarding ex relationship partners. Matt Couloute denied the allegations, which were vague, resentful and without stating any information regarding the time or the circumstances when the assumed affairs took place. At the same time, it is necessary to point out that the website does not make it its business to verify whether the statements posted are true or simple fabrications of individuals who leave a relationship holding a grudge.

As of such, Matthew Couloute understood that his case is not singular and there are probably thousands and thousands of people who suffer grave injustices on the World Wide Web every day. The campaign, which was dubbed save cyberspace for obvious reasons, pledges to expose cyber-bullies and cyber-paths and bring them to justice for their offenses. The organization, which was founded in 2012 is non-profit and its sole purpose is the transformation of the current online environment towards a place in which people can feel safe.

It is necessary to understand that Matt Couloute’s non-profit organization does not aim to censor the freedom of speech on the internet. There is a certain point up to which any individual is free to share his opinions, thoughts or ideas openly across the web. However, certain people, referred to as cyber-bullies or cyber-paths abuse their freedom of speech in the detriment of others, causing them emotional harm, inducing false sensations of guilt or damaging their image to no other end but their personal satisfaction. The category most vulnerable to these actions are children and teenagers who did not yet develop an establish self-image or suffer from low self-esteem.

Matthew Couloute and his organization pointed out several cases of cyber abuse and the need to regulate the harmful actions in the future. At the same time, statistics in growing suicide rates among teenagers as results of cyber abuse speak for themselves regarding the necessity of preventing this type of online conduct. All of the online content, whether positive or negative, genuine or false is virtually permanent and there are no known ways to completely remove it. Therefore, the only sensible course of action implies educating the people regarding the importance of taking responsibility for their posts and the sanctions that apply when they do not.