Is Computer Forensic Able to Control Cyber Crimes?

Is Computer Forensic Able to Control Cyber Crimes?

Cyber crime is the crime committed by using computer on the internet. Internet is being utilized for committing serious and heinous crime. The scope of cyber crime is very vast because these crimes are committed at the large scale to discourage the military of a country and at the same time, these crimes are able to weaken the strength of a country by mishandling the countries intelligence or illegally selling the intelligence to enemy country. Cyber crime has become the bigger threat to the confidentiality and secrecy of an individual, a group, business or a country.

What is cyber crime?

Cyber crime is the use of corrupt and criminal activities towards any individual, group, business or a country, by using computer and internet. These crimes are committed to retrieve the secret and confidential intelligence and vital information or by sending the fake emails of any terror attack or threat motive. These crimes are used as the weapon to carry out the serious crime and trace of the criminal or crime location is almost impossible. So criminals fearlessly and daringly go for committing huge crimes and there is the least or no possibility of catching the criminals.

How cyber crimes are committed?

Cyber crime is the fastest growing way of committing serious crimes. Top ranked criminals of crook minds explore the best use of speed and anonymity of the modern technology to carry out wide range of criminal activities. It includes theft of data and system information, identity thefts, internet frauds and deep penetration of kind of virus and botnets to do email scams. The Internet is used by the terrorists for the encouragement of radicalization which is the serious threat to international security. More often, hacker tools are available on the internet to do the crimes. The computer is utilized as the tool and target to the carry out of crimes. This is used for perpetrating the criminal activity by injecting a virus or worm which can crash entire network.

Effects of cyber crime in India

Cyber crime is having its terrifying effect on the information systems. Nothing is considered safe and secure on the computer in the present environment. It has become difficult to keep important information or intelligence on to the computer due to high rise of cyber crimes in the India. Information and intelligence security has become a bigger issue as the criminal are able to break the security measures to steal the important data’s. All the sensitive and secret divisions in India are observing a great challenge and big threat to keep their vital information safe and secure. In this context, the major role is being played by the computer forensic for getting computer security and law enforcement. The statistics show that Cyber Crimes are high on rise. But the bigger problem is that these Crimes are not reported in India and it is presumed that Crime does not exist and that society is safe from such Crime. There are many reason for not reporting the crimes as people don’t wish to face any police harassment and legal proceedings. So these crimes go on and nothing comes to light and no correct statistics of cyber crimes registered.

Is computer forensic controlling cyber crimes?

Computer forensic has become the one of the fastest growing field for information security and law enforcement. Use of computer forensics has become essential for every criminal investigation. The expert private investigators with thorough knowledge of disk structure and commercial software are able to investigate the cybercrimes. Indian police is becoming cyber crime savvy and hiring expert private investigators that are trained in the area. Many police stations have computers which are linked to police Head Quarters. Cyber Police Stations are functioning in major Cities all over India. A series of initiatives are continuing in computer forensics and cyber law procedures are established to give the desired resulted out of it.


This is clear from the fact and the available statistics reveals that computer forensics are contributing to deal with cyber crimes and police professionals active involvement and their expertise present the remarkable result and at the same, strict cyber law with fast track courts for quick prosecution and hard decisions will take the computer forensic investigations in broad way to eradicate the cyber crimes in India.

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