How Positive Energy Can Change Your Life The Secret Law of Attraction

How Positive Energy Can Change Your Life The Secret Law of Attraction

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Believe it or not, as human beings, we are transmitting positive or negative energy all the time. According to the law of attraction… those who are transmitting positive energy will attract positive things; likewise those who are transmitting negative energy will attract negative people.

“Birds of a feather flock together”

When you attract like-minded positive people, together you can focus on obtaining your desires. Positive people will encourage and support you. On the other hand, negative people will tell you that you can’t achieve your goals, and that they’re too hard or unreachable.

If you’re continually bombarded with negative phrases in your thinking, such as “I just can’t make ends meet,” “There’s never enough,” or “I just can’t seem to get ahead,” then you’re attracting more negativity into your life.

You see, life is too short… why focus ans waste our energy on negativity? Why not focus our energy on more positive things? You can train your mind to focus on positivity rather than negativity. Here are some tips to help you out…

1. Always try your best to look at the bright side of things. For instance, everybody has both the good and bad sides. Look at the good sides or positive qualitites in other instead of their negative attributes or faults. If you do that, you will be able to see things in a positive way and you will get positive response from others as well. Remember that the law of attraction is a two-way street.

2. Understand that you also have both the good and bad qualities. So you must train your mind to nurture your good qualities and suppress the bad ones. That’s how you influence yourself and others. Everything must start from your inner circle before you can influence something that is outside your circle.

3. Exercise compassion toward everyone, including yourself. Negative energy obsesses about unattainable goals. However, positive energy allows us to realize when we’re doing the best we can.

4. Keep an open mind and value others’ opinions. You can disagree with others’ views and share your view but refrain yourself to find faults in others’ opinion. Acknowledge others’ opinions and interpolate yours and then move on. Don’t waste your time trying to change someone else’s view because most of the time it is going to be futile and a waste of time and energy.

5. Refrain from judging. Give others the benefit of the doubt. Negative energy is critical in judging others and loves finding fault. Judging produces negative energy and attracts more of the same back to you.

6. Say what you mean and mean what you say! Express your true self in thoughts, words, and actions.

7. Don’t be afraid to admit to having occasional negative thoughts and emotions. We’re all human, and negative thoughts are a part of human nature. The key is not to nurture or dwell on them.

8. Celebrate the success and happiness of others. Negative energy is jealous, but positive people are thrilled when others succeed. Use someone else’s success as a motivator to make you a better person.

9. Help yourself by helping others. If you focus your energy to help others to improve their lives; you will also improve your own life because the law of attraction is a two-headed beast; it can attract both the good and the bad things. If you help others to do good things, you will do good things… and vice versa.

10. When you fall get up! Do not bemoan or dwell on your past failure; learn from it, use it to improve yourself and move forward. Life is short so please concentrate more on what you can do to live a more purposeful life rather than bemoaning what you don’t have or what you have been suffering from. Help is abundance out there but the first step to get help is to get up, stay up so that you can see it!

In this article, I have shared with you a lot of great tips on how to focus your energy on the positive things instead of the negative ones. If you follow and apply the tips that I have just shared, you will find yourself able to live more happily and abundantly in life. Trust me on this… The law of attraction works if you work on it in a positive way! I hope you enjoy this article.

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