Famous Novels and Books about Lawyers and the Legal Process – Law and Entertainment

Famous Novels and Books about Lawyers and the Legal Process – Law and Entertainment

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from © Dreamstime.com Millions of books have been written about lawyers, their amazing cases, and all the excitement that can surround a courtroom battle. In novels, you never know what the author is going to do next. Many authors who write novels featuring attorneys and the legal process actually do have experience in the area, or do extensive research to make things as realistic as possible.

John Grisham is arguably the most well-known author writing about the legal system. In fact, books featuring lawyers and the legal process really got a boost when his book, The Firm, became a bestseller. He has since brought forward a number of interesting trials and lawyers put into unique situations, from The Pelican Brief to The Street Lawyer.

Billy Budd was written by Herman Melville and focuses on the law while out to sea. Zeroing in on the Mutiny Act, the main character of Billy Budd is sentenced to death by Captain Vere for killing another sailor. An older tale, but still widely read, Melville’s story captures a different time of attorneys and legal processes.

Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird has always held wide appeal; it takes the view of a young child examining her life and the trial her father works on in a small Southern town. Race and discrimination have a large focus throughout the book, and this novel has become a widely read classic throughout the country.

Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow is the story of a man whose former lover was murdered, and now he is on trial for the crime. Putting readers on the edge of their seats, this book was eventually transformed into a film that starred Harrison Ford.

Anatomy of a Murder by Robert Traver was another tale penned that focused on the drama of the court. Traver is actually a pen name and the real author was John D. Voelker, who was a Michigan Supreme Court Justice. Eventually the novel was also transformed into a movie that starred Jimmy Stewart.

Remember that these books are all fiction and real lawyers and courtroom antics are much different. You can find good books on attorneys and the legal process in both the fiction section and mystery section of bookstores.

If you would like more information on your legal rights, it is important to speak with skilled New York City car and rollover accident lawyers, New York City auto and drunk driving accident attorneys, and personal injury lawyers in New York City.